So enthused to contribute to a book with this extraordinary group of women. When we were all together the other night to celebrate our Pipeline Fellowship graduation, I was taken yet again by the mutual support and admiration we have for each other. And my favorite part of the whole evening? Describing to others at the event how we seem to have met each other at times in our lives where we were all going through some sort of major transition: career shifts to divorce recovery to embarking on a new journeys of personal discovery. All this...and as investors wanting to learn the ropes. And as women dedicated to disrupting the gender imbalance. In other WOMEN INVESTORS. Wow. And women investors ready to go the distance to empower other women! I'm grateful to be a part of this.
As for our fabulous book-in-the-making, I have about 40% of my thoughts down on paper, with another 40% percolating mentally and the remaining 20% soon to be formulated. I have been inspired researching successful female entrepreneurs and I'm hoping to secure at least three interviews by the end of the month. However, this could be a bit of a challenge considering the demands that most entrepreneurs/professionals/ mothers/women already have in their daily lives. Wish me luck!