The Exciting, Evolving Wingpact


Wingpact co-authors with special guest, Geri Stengel

There has been exciting progress for Wingpact in recent weeks. This past Tuesday evening, we had our in-person monthly meeting, and it was highly productive, as well as extremely fun and energizing.

All six of us were able to attend this time. This is very unusual, with everyone’s general activity level and crazy schedules. So we were positively giddy just to be together. As a big bonus, our New York-based writer, Geri Stengel, happened to be in San Francisco, and was able to join us for dinner at my home. This is the first time she has met the extended team, and we had a fabulous time, sharing ideas and visions. We had our usual international potluck; since our team represents a wide variety of cultures this is standard fare for us.

Some accomplishments for the evening:

- We brainstormed and finalized our subtitle, so now we can announce our full book title…drum roll…
Impact With Wings: Stories to Inspire and Mobilize Women Investors and Entrepreneurs
We love it!

- Christine took photos for our upcoming crowdfunding video. This involved a fabulous makeup artist named Selenia, multiple outfit changes, and general silliness and fun.

- We met our editor, Audrey Kalman, for the first time! We had submitted our drafts to her in the previous few days and this was our first chance to hear from her. It was gratifying to see that she clicks really well with us and had some great perspectives to share. 

This meeting was conducted in typical Wingpact fashion, with multi-tasking all over the place. Here is a taste of life with the Wingpact women: When Audrey showed up at her appointed time, we weren’t yet done with our makeup and outfits for the crowdfunding photos. Imagine eight women hanging around my bedroom, discussing overall strategy with our editor while cycling through the makeup chair. Clothes strewn everywhere. Children photobombing. Makeup artist giving opinions on book strategy (yay for the multi-talented Selenia!). Tears, passions, plans, all resulting in a set of next steps fully outlined that appear to have come out of an orderly process.

And that is just what we got done in one evening! Also recently, we have signed our papers for the filing of Wingpact, LLC, incorporating in Delaware. We obtained an amazing sponsorship from Goodwin Proctor, providing our legal services in exchange for visibility with new women angel investors. Our attorney, Mitzi Chang, is wonderful, always answering our endless questions systematically and patiently. We know her from our Pipeline Fellowship days and are so thrilled that it worked out to collaborate with her again. We have hired our accountant. We have completed our second draft. And we have all been networking like crazy, making far-reaching connections. We are looking for partners that can help us with reviewing the book, sponsorships, PR, pre-orders, visibility, launch parties, and all manner of things.

Do you like our book title?  Do you have fun stories of women multitasking to change the world?  Would you like to pre-order 1000 books?  We would love to hear from you!

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